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What to read or see about breaking sterotypes
"What To Read or See About Breaking Stereotypes" - writing a film/book review connected with the project „Let’s Break Stereotypical Thinking” breaking sterotypes, social exclusion, intolerance and other issues connected with the project's subject area. Writing a film/book review connected with the main subject area of the project. Teachers responsible for that particular task set up a group on MS Teams application providing guidelines on writing a review and all necessary information about the task. All the participants had a contact with the teachers which resulted in interesting discussions about films and books. Students’ texts were sent to the teachers who provided them with text correction and useful ideas. After correction stage the reviews were published on Twinspace in order to inspire other project participants to watch or read recommended films and books. 18 students involved in the project took part in the writing review activity. There were two English language teachers involved who were the activity coordinators. The task which was set was strongly linked with a writing section of matura examination taken at the end of education in high schools of Polish education system. Thanks to that the students had an opportunity to develop their writing skills which is highly useful when preparing to matura examination at an extended level (students need to know how to write a review). The activity mentioned above made it possible for students to increase the knowledge of vocabulary referring to film, literature, exclusion, war and intolerance. What is more, the students had an opportunity to develop critical thinking and empathy.