43-400 Cieszyn, Plac Wolności 7b +48 33 85 211 32
The Strangers - performance and workshops
The performance presents different experiences of a Ukrainian immigrant, who comes to Poland after the trauma of Maidan and tries to start allover and get her life back together. However, it is not easy for her, being treated by others with suspicion and fear, she feels alienated and out of place. The main character ‘The Strangers”is played by a Ukrainian girl whose life is presented in the performance. After the performance, students took part in workshops and discussion, during which they had a chance to present their opinions on immigrants and their situation in Poland. The aim of this event was to make students more sensitive to the problems of immigrants, to break the stereotypes connected with this social aspect, and what is more, to show how media manipulate people by presenting fake news about immigrants. Face-to-face talk with the immigrant form Ukraine, who has experienced the events of Maidan in Kiev, allowed students to formulate their own opinions and make judgements based on their own experiences and not on the information provided by the media. A very important effect of this event will for sure be a different attitude towards immigrants and refugees, becoming aware of the fact that the problems of discrimination and xenophobiaare always a problem of an individual, an actual human being. Direct confrontation with the actress, who is a refugee, makes students realise that a refugee or immigrant has a name and surname and is the same human being as we are, often with a load of experience which we are not aware of or not think about when judging them and expressing opinions about them. In school reality, participation in the performance and discussion allows to build better relations based on tolerance and to establish relations with immigrant students who attend our school. Thanks to such experiences, students will be open to new cultures, traditions and religions. Such event is an important additionto previously held discussions and debates concerning migration problems in Europe.