43-400 Cieszyn, Plac Wolności 7b +48 33 85 211 32
Debate Migration problems in Europa
1. Factual knowledge about migration situation in Europe – preparing students for the debate - suggesting reliable sources of information which could be used when preparing for the debate, - discussing ways of conducting debates in different classes, - drawing up a plan of conducting debates in classes, - choosing leaders of discussion groups (responsible for conducting debates and noting down the outcomes of the debates) - teachers verify the information gathered by the students and the questions to be asked during the debates 2. Conducting the debates in 10 classes (about 270 students). Drawing conclusions. As a result of the conducted debates, students had a chance to become familiar with the migration situation in Europe, find the causes of mass migration (regional and local), they made a map of different migration destinations, they were looking for ways of solving migration crisis in Europe and analyzing attitudes of people in Poland and Europe towards migrants, they tried to answer the question what we should change in our attitudes towards migrants and why it should be changed. They tried to decidewhether the Poles are open to migrants and why the answer is ‘no’, where this attitude comes from and how it could be changed. The debates resulted in better knowledge and understanding of the problem of migration what lead to many beneficial changes in young people’s attitudes. Students systematised the knowledge about migration in Poland and Europe, learned how to search information in reliable sources, how to formulate and express their opinions properly, how to respect people expressing different views and attitudes. The debates allowed constructive discussion on difficult topics. Discussions in classes helped to establish the right attitudes of openness and tolerance and helped to break stereotypes about migrants. Preparing and conducting the debates integrates well with the school activity and its educational programme. One of the important aims of school is to shape attitude of tolerance, openness among all students and teachers. Project activities support this process and allow to awaken in students the willingness to get to know other cultures and individuals thanks to gaining reliable knowledge instead of following stereotypical thinking.